Monday, December 24, 2007

Day 2

Wow.......... Obviously the little man must've been car-lagged yesterday, we went to bed around 11.30 and Bleydh howled constantly from 11.30 until I got up at 6.30, stopping only for what must have been an hour tops at 5.30!
I (?) decided to get up around 6.30, took them out for a play/pee etc in the field and gave them their breakfast, obviously he kept Lucy & Nipper awake too so now they are all peacefully sleeping and I am sitting here nursing my mug of coffee, trying to keep my eyes open, getting ready to go to work............ I'm so glad I'm master of my own house (lol), will try to post more pics later (if I can find the download cable)

VET: Just been for first trip to the vet, the girls stole my dog & wouldn't give him back!! Had his jab and a little once-over, the umbilical hernia caused a little concern so have to have it operated on at 5 months, although if it gets any worse, or strangulates they want him in for the op whatever the age, also checked out his chesty cough but nothing to worry about, it does seem a little less 'rattly' today, worming tablet also given, just as well as he seems to have developed a taste for that 'doggy delicasy' - pony poo yesterday.
I was a little worried about the vet visit after reading about vets attitude towards the NIDs, I was very wary in case they tried to register him as a Siberian Husky or Malamute etc but were very honest in that they hadn't come across one before and were not patronising in the least, they even added Northern Inuit Dog to their database, mind you the computer did crash shortly afterwards, don't know if it was that or the huge invoice I had just paid that caused it, the invoice was ponies stuff and Luka & Tilly's cremation, not Bleydh, still miss them like mad but having this little fella around takes our minds off it a little.
All-in-all a good first vet's visit, spoiled rotten, lots of fuss, a few treats and didn't even feel the jab

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