Thursday, January 24, 2008

Walkies...... at last

Pic1-First time off the lead
Pic2-Trying to dig a hole against the tide

First walkies yesterday, he was awstruck at every little thing and needed constant reassurance so we didn't go far. He comes to work with me now, seems to like his new (really expensive) cage in the car now, at least he's not quite so 'vocal' (I'm sure the locals thought I was playing Star Wars on the CD as he was doing his favourite Chewbacca (aka Wookie) impression at full volume.

Walk was to Marazion beach, tried not to overdo things and stick to the recommended 20 minutes but this ended up as 20 minutes walk and 40 minutes sniffing etc !

Above (2nd) picture shows him trying to dig a hole against the tide, hard enough for anyone but then you realise that this is his first time even seeing the sea - let alone being in it ! seemed to take it all in his stride though, lets see what he thinks on a stormy day at high tide........

WEIGHT: 13.6kg last Monday, 21st Jan
(not bad considering that he missed around 3 days eating with all the vets, diahorrea etc)

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