Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sorry havn't posted for a while

Sorry we havn't posted for a while but there hasn't been much to report.
Bleydh is getting well confident during walkies on the beach now..... barks at other dogs/people/trains/balls etc etc, definately noticing 2 different barks now, there's the playful 'yappy' type bark, then there's the deep-down 'challenge' bark.

I had doubted the supreme intelligence that Inuit breeders boast until tonight..... the latest trick is pulling down the front door handle when he wants out, thought it was a fluke the first time but now it's a regular occurance, just need to work on the brave now, we came face to face with a large dog-fox last night, looked around for Bleydh to 'protect' me and just saw a tail disappearing out of the field gate......

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