Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New addition to the family

Found this little waife and stray wandering around in the wild a few days ago...... vet thinks he's not even 6 weeks old yet, definately a WILD cat in more ways than one, picture can't really show how tiny this little fella is, fits in the palm of a hand...

Bleydh's really jealous of this one, probably due to all the (essential) hand rearing that has to be done, kitten lives upstairs in his own room and Bleydh thinks every time we go upstairs the kitten's getting a fuss, howled for England a few nights ago so I let him out of his crate and took him up to our bedroom to show him the cat wasn't there, he flopped on the bed and wouldn't get off!!! after about an hour of trying to get IN the bed and constantly showing his gratitude by giving me a huge sloppy, slurpy lick (just what you need when you're dozing off!) so eventually made him sleep on the floor.


Not too sure about this little playmate though, not road-kill or anything Bleydh's done, cats must have got this little rabbit and left it in the garden, what the photo doesn't show Bleydh was trying to wake it up by nudging it with his nose and when we went to pick it up he layed with his chin across it - protecting it, bit late for that methinks........

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