Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunbathing today.......

Can't believe the difference in the weather just a few weeks apart, here seeking out the shade


Tania said...

did bleydh enjoy his birthday - can't believe he is two years old already!

Anonymous said...

We love your northern Inuit and would love to get one. Do you know whether the breeder you got him from would possibly be breeding them again? thanks

Bleydh said...

Thanks, Bleydh was the (much loved) result from an accidental mating, the Northern Inuit Society are keen to constantly improve the breed so can I suggest checking out their website

Be warned though, they are not a dog for a beginner, they are a very powerful and very, very smart and will exploit every weakness in the nicest possible way, digging will trash a garden in the time it takes to make a cup of tea, also they suffer badly from seperation anxiety so cannot be left alone.

All said, if you are looking for a dog you can't get better than a Northern Inuit, good luck and keep us informed, may be worth joining the society forum aswell, they are a friendly bunch and will help you make the right choice.....

Anonymous said...

Thanks looked at the website and it really helped, Looking to get a northern Inuit as soon as the right one comes up for us. At the moment we have a golden retriever and are looking forward to getting her a companion. thanks