Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another baby Inuit.........

Another baby Inuit...... a customer of ours fell in love with Bleydh, managed to persuade 'er indoors' and got this little man "Kai" (didn't take much persuading lol), even more broody now :-(Can't believe how big my boy is, Kai is just like Bleydh was but it doesn't feel like 3 years ago


Aditya said...

Hello, Bleydh! I don't know if you remember me, but I met you (and your 'human') today at the Pool Market. I was the funny-looking Indian chap with the long overcoat and two shopping bags.

When I was told of your Cornish name, I noted it down so that I could look it up... and to my surprise I found your blog!

I hope to meet you soon; you can meet my friends Dave and Jimmy (greyhounds) and Aida (Airedale) if you're lucky.

Bleydh said...

Hey Aditya, yes we remember you, good to meet you and maybe catch up with you and your friends sometime, mind you... I've tried to play with lots of Greyhounds and they don't play fair... too fast and don't let me catch 'em :-)