Friday, October 26, 2012

Poorly boy :-(

Bleydh's feeling a little sorry for himself, a couple of days ago he damaged his rear foot during a walk, limping badly, I took him to the vet who instantly thought it was broken so back the next morning for X-rays.

Good news - it's not broken but just a 'soft tissue injury' so still limping, still trying to stop him yomping around like a lunatic, it's strange taking him for a 'stroll' as he's usually running around like a mad thing.

Also had his hips looked at whilst he was being X-rayed and good news there too, there seems to be no further wear/damage to his hips and maybe even an improvement, vet says definately nothing to worry about but gonna keep him on Cosequin, it's expensive but obviously worth it.


Aditya said...

Get well soon, big boy! You're not forgotten :)

(Also, a few months ago I met Kai in Redruth - he *has* grown a fair bit!)

Bleydh said...

Thanks Aditya, thats nice of you, thank you. He's been feeling a bit sorry for himself but I think it's on the mend, he hates resting tho lol.
Kai certainly has grown, I reckon he's going to be a big lad too :-)