Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bleydh's had a little 'growth' on his shoulder since he was about a year old, vet said it was just a Sebaceous Cyst and there was no need to worry unless it got bigger. A few weeks ago it did get bigger, then it exploded and out came the most revolting, foul smelling puss the consistency of gritty toothpaste.

Had his op to remove the offending cyst last Friday, they had to make a huge cut about 3 inches long (thats about 75mm to you young ones :-)), healing quite well but did break one stitch yesterday whilst scratching, any more and he'll have to have it stapled :-0 so really trying to keep him calm, thinks he's being punished though having to won the lead!!!
3" scar and 2 bald patches!

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