Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another N.I came to visit today....

Another Northern Inuit came to meet us today, this is 'Mishka' (unsure of spelling?)

She is around 6 months old and a REAL handful, I had forgotten what a loony Bleydh was at 6 months. I did take dozens of photos but they were jumping about so much all I got were blurrs or half a dog, this was the last picture and I think they only stood still for 3 seconds to get their breath back then started again.

Maybe Bleydh can see now how much he got on everyone else's nerves when he was a pup, Mishka would not leave him alone, jumping all over him, nipping, licking etc - Ain't payback a bitch lol..........


Ann Summerville said...

I stopped by your blog today - beautiful pictures.
Cozy In Texas

Bleydh said...

Thanks Cozy, we love him to bits. Had a look at your blog, you'll have to let us know when your book is published as it's set here in Cornwall. Not trying to make you homesick but it's beautiful here at the moment, 30 degrees is probably cold in comparison to Texas tho :-) take care