Friday, October 29, 2010

Birthday boy, 3 (21?) Today

Hi all

Sorry no pics, can't upload from my camera for some reason.

Had a pretty normal day (if an Inuit can have a 'normal' day :-), extra nice dinner, the 3 of them shared a huge pan of extremely rare, expensive steak and hearts then extra long walkies with no direction at all, we all just followed Bleydh wherever he wanted to go, got home half an hour later than normal and very bedraggled, very 'interesting' (?) walk though, got to see loads of stuff we'd never seen before.....

Happy birthday to Tealah and all Bleydh's brothers and sisters, a big thank you again to Kia (mom) and Lupi (dad) and Tania, without whom today would just not have been the same :-)

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