Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I'm sure the dogs in this Samsung advert are Northern Inuits?
I sooo wanna go chase some rabbits :-(

Bleydh's had a little 'growth' on his shoulder since he was about a year old, vet said it was just a Sebaceous Cyst and there was no need to worry unless it got bigger. A few weeks ago it did get bigger, then it exploded and out came the most revolting, foul smelling puss the consistency of gritty toothpaste.

Had his op to remove the offending cyst last Friday, they had to make a huge cut about 3 inches long (thats about 75mm to you young ones :-)), healing quite well but did break one stitch yesterday whilst scratching, any more and he'll have to have it stapled :-0 so really trying to keep him calm, thinks he's being punished though having to won the lead!!!
3" scar and 2 bald patches!
Sorry, haven't posted for a while, main updates are......

Bleydh's 'nephew' - 5 month old Dexter from Coventry, came to stay, suffice to say it was a very 'busy' weekend but I think they both missed each other when he went home :-(

Come on Bleydh..... please play please please please........

See I knew you wanted to play......

So exhausted! I even let the young 'un share my truck!!!!
Nearly 6 now (42 human years in October), can't play like I used to, just need a little rest zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Bleydh's new 'newphew'

My daughter and son-in-law brought their new 'baby' home today, a beautiful baby boy aged 7 weeks from North Wales (so probably a fellow 'Celt'??), they haven't met yet but can't wait to see them together, he's so much like Bleydh when he was little.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Birthday Boy

Just a note to all Bleydh's fans, don't forget he's 5 TOMORROW (29th), he's still feeling a little sorry for himself so lots of birthday wishes will cheer him up :-)

Can't believe he's 5 already, where has all the time gone :-(

HAPPY BIRTHDAY also to all his brothers and sisters xxxxx, sad memories of Lupi tho, R.i.p big fella X

Friday, October 26, 2012

Poorly boy :-(

Bleydh's feeling a little sorry for himself, a couple of days ago he damaged his rear foot during a walk, limping badly, I took him to the vet who instantly thought it was broken so back the next morning for X-rays.

Good news - it's not broken but just a 'soft tissue injury' so still limping, still trying to stop him yomping around like a lunatic, it's strange taking him for a 'stroll' as he's usually running around like a mad thing.

Also had his hips looked at whilst he was being X-rayed and good news there too, there seems to be no further wear/damage to his hips and maybe even an improvement, vet says definately nothing to worry about but gonna keep him on Cosequin, it's expensive but obviously worth it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Monday, May 2, 2011

Big Brave Bleydh (NOT!!!)

As you may have read earlier in this blog, Napayshni is Sioux Indian for 'brave and courageous'

Here's a picture of Bleydh during last night's thunderstorms..............

Sometimes he 'forgets' that he's 8 stone (112lbs / 50kilos for our US/EU fans), trouble is..... so is Ann !!!

Kai's payback ? (15/4/11)

Kai came to play again recently, this photo was taken on 15th April, can't believe how he's grown in 6 weeks!!!

Looks like he's starting to stick up for himself now....

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another baby Inuit.........

Another baby Inuit...... a customer of ours fell in love with Bleydh, managed to persuade 'er indoors' and got this little man "Kai" (didn't take much persuading lol), even more broody now :-(Can't believe how big my boy is, Kai is just like Bleydh was but it doesn't feel like 3 years ago

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby Husky come to play :-)

A neighbours 11 week old Husky pup cames to work to play today, Maico (unsure of spelling?) is so tiny, fluffy and full of attitude just like Bleydh was at that age, makes me get kinda broody for another pup but 5 acres ain't big enough for 2 Inuits :-(

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Uncle Steve & Aunty Lisa took us down to the beach at Pendeen today and we were allowed to dig, lots ......... yippee

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I know that (snow)ball landed here somewhere???

I have spent the whole day throwing snowballs for Bleydh, he thinks they're balls but can't understand why they keep disappearing when he catches them.....

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Is the new web address for this blog, the original title was not very memorable and we thought this easier to remember. Of course the original address will still work.

The email address is now mail@bleydh.com

3 years old, my beautiful boy......

You can't see it in the picture but he's actually 'guarding' his Birthday present, an 18inch, bone shaped chew.....

Friday, October 29, 2010

Birthday boy, 3 (21?) Today

Hi all

Sorry no pics, can't upload from my camera for some reason.

Had a pretty normal day (if an Inuit can have a 'normal' day :-), extra nice dinner, the 3 of them shared a huge pan of extremely rare, expensive steak and hearts then extra long walkies with no direction at all, we all just followed Bleydh wherever he wanted to go, got home half an hour later than normal and very bedraggled, very 'interesting' (?) walk though, got to see loads of stuff we'd never seen before.....

Happy birthday to Tealah and all Bleydh's brothers and sisters, a big thank you again to Kia (mom) and Lupi (dad) and Tania, without whom today would just not have been the same :-)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another N.I came to visit today....

Another Northern Inuit came to meet us today, this is 'Mishka' (unsure of spelling?)

She is around 6 months old and a REAL handful, I had forgotten what a loony Bleydh was at 6 months. I did take dozens of photos but they were jumping about so much all I got were blurrs or half a dog, this was the last picture and I think they only stood still for 3 seconds to get their breath back then started again.

Maybe Bleydh can see now how much he got on everyone else's nerves when he was a pup, Mishka would not leave him alone, jumping all over him, nipping, licking etc - Ain't payback a bitch lol..........

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My new rucksack....

Hi all, Dad took me for the 'snip' in January, don't quite know what it meant but I feel much better for it?

He also got me this funny looking rucksack and says I'm big enough to carry my own stuff now...... and his phone, camera, pepsi, hat, spare lead, poop-scoop bags.... surprised he hasn't got me to carry Lucy and Nipper either side yet.......... Didn't like it much at first (as you can see?) but now I've got used to it I feel really important :-)

Monday, November 2, 2009


Hi all, sorry no posts for a while. Not much new going on, here's a pic of my boy with his birthday cake, he was 2 on 29th October (and no...... he didn't eat the candles, singed his nose though :-)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunbathing today.......

Can't believe the difference in the weather just a few weeks apart, here seeking out the shade

Monday, April 13, 2009

New pics

Hi all, sorry havn't posted much lately, not much to report as he's just the same - just bigger!!! he's now 48 kilos but still hasn't started to fill out yet, hopefully this won't be much longer then it's of to the vet :-( for the snip!!!

First time in the snow.............

Too much fun, tired now..........

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy First Birthday

Can't believe my little boy is one year old today, he's had a birthday party with Lucy & Nipper, a card and a birthday cake................

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bath Time....................

First bath today

Got Pooch-Mobile round today, took a little persuasion to coax him in but after a few minutes (and lots of treats) he resigned himself to the fact it was gonna happen whether he liked it or not!
Smells lovely now, what's the betting he goes straight round the fields and rolls in fox poo???

Friday, May 30, 2008

Major Milestone today.....

Bleydh is now officially a man!!!! lifted his leg to pee for the first time 10 minutes ago (1135pm)

Bit wobbly on 3 legs but I'm sure he'll get the hang of it!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New addition to the family

Found this little waife and stray wandering around in the wild a few days ago...... vet thinks he's not even 6 weeks old yet, definately a WILD cat in more ways than one, picture can't really show how tiny this little fella is, fits in the palm of a hand...

Bleydh's really jealous of this one, probably due to all the (essential) hand rearing that has to be done, kitten lives upstairs in his own room and Bleydh thinks every time we go upstairs the kitten's getting a fuss, howled for England a few nights ago so I let him out of his crate and took him up to our bedroom to show him the cat wasn't there, he flopped on the bed and wouldn't get off!!! after about an hour of trying to get IN the bed and constantly showing his gratitude by giving me a huge sloppy, slurpy lick (just what you need when you're dozing off!) so eventually made him sleep on the floor.


Not too sure about this little playmate though, not road-kill or anything Bleydh's done, cats must have got this little rabbit and left it in the garden, what the photo doesn't show Bleydh was trying to wake it up by nudging it with his nose and when we went to pick it up he layed with his chin across it - protecting it, bit late for that methinks........

Saturday, May 10, 2008

6 Months old & 35.5kg

As you can see..... he takes some keeping in!!!

Got a new van.... guess who "Baggsied" the sofa bed???

Sorry no updates for a while (Paul !!!) but been busy.

Bleydh is huuuuuuge now, it's getting really hard work defending myself if he gets the upper hand when we're play fighting !

Best to stop talking and post some pics, going to attempt to upload some video from my phone but please let me know if it doesn't work properly............

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Latest pics...........

Not much to report, just growing, well upwards anyway - still as thin as a Whippet but hopefully should start to fill out when he stops going 'up'. We did take a shopping trip to Pets at Home the other day, all the staff fell in love with him and kept fussing and feeding him, if that was a selling tactic it certainly worked as we didn't really need anything but spent almost £100 on food, treats and toys. Bleydh says "If that's shopping - bring it on"

2 latest pics taken last weekend, can't believe how much he's changed in such a short time..

Saturday, February 23, 2008

21 Kilos and rising.....................

Yes, 21 kilos yesterday, I swear that on one of the few days he doesn't come to work with me, he's bigger when I get home than he was in the morning.
We've given up on feeding him by all the feeding guides, he's always hungry and clears his bowl in seconds, then follows me round with 'hiccups' and a puzzled expression (lol), he still looks like a whippet with diving boots on though!!!

Here's a pic taken today (23/2/08), he is changing rapidly now, mask is more pronounced, hair is no longer soft and fluffy it's more wirey and darker along his back, pic specially for Mommy Tania (don't I look like Dad now???) xxx ..........

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sorry havn't posted for a while

Sorry we havn't posted for a while but there hasn't been much to report.
Bleydh is getting well confident during walkies on the beach now..... barks at other dogs/people/trains/balls etc etc, definately noticing 2 different barks now, there's the playful 'yappy' type bark, then there's the deep-down 'challenge' bark.

I had doubted the supreme intelligence that Inuit breeders boast until tonight..... the latest trick is pulling down the front door handle when he wants out, thought it was a fluke the first time but now it's a regular occurance, just need to work on the brave now, we came face to face with a large dog-fox last night, looked around for Bleydh to 'protect' me and just saw a tail disappearing out of the field gate......

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Bleydh

Forgot to mention he was 3 months old yesterday (29th), according to my research that makes him 4 human years! thank goodness the terrible two's are finally over (or are they?)

Walkies on the beach are going down well, still a little apprehensive of people/dogs but finding his feet, even managed a bark and a growl at a dodgey looking character in a raincoat today.

Doesn't much like getting his tail wet though, cried like a baby when a little wave got him and spent 5 minutes sitting in the sand trying to dry his tail, whinging all the time, we'll have to get him swimming, with those huge, webbed paws I reckon he could pull a water-skier

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Walkies...... at last

Pic1-First time off the lead
Pic2-Trying to dig a hole against the tide

First walkies yesterday, he was awstruck at every little thing and needed constant reassurance so we didn't go far. He comes to work with me now, seems to like his new (really expensive) cage in the car now, at least he's not quite so 'vocal' (I'm sure the locals thought I was playing Star Wars on the CD as he was doing his favourite Chewbacca (aka Wookie) impression at full volume.

Walk was to Marazion beach, tried not to overdo things and stick to the recommended 20 minutes but this ended up as 20 minutes walk and 40 minutes sniffing etc !

Above (2nd) picture shows him trying to dig a hole against the tide, hard enough for anyone but then you realise that this is his first time even seeing the sea - let alone being in it ! seemed to take it all in his stride though, lets see what he thinks on a stormy day at high tide........

WEIGHT: 13.6kg last Monday, 21st Jan
(not bad considering that he missed around 3 days eating with all the vets, diahorrea etc)